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4. The message of the gospel is the expression of the truth of the person and the work of Christ. On the one hand, the saving message of the Gospel has to do with the divine initiative, which invites us to recognize ourselves as sinners and to receive the forgiveness and the grace of God. On the other hand, it has to do with the work of Christ, who overcame sin by his own death and resurrection and who begins his saving work in the Church, where he lives and breathes as head and shepherd, and where the gifts of the Holy Spirit, his fruit, are worked out for the edification of humanity and the world. The Church thus becomes the visible and real community of Christ, the new Israel, in which the presence of the Risen One, the Head, sustains and enlightens all the members in their journey towards perfection.
5. The Church is the community of faith and hope: the community of the faithful who have received the gift of the Holy Spirit and who are called to be with Christ in his final glory. It is a communion of people of every time and place. It unites all the baptized, and gathers together in the local churches. Its members are in full communion with the successor of Peter and with one another. As the universal Church, it has the mission of proclaiming the Gospel to all nations, of fostering unity and solidarity among peoples and among nations, of promoting justice and peace in society and in the world. It is the community called to spread the Good News of the Gospel, to bear witness to Christ, and to practice charity in its several manifestations. This community of the whole People of God has its own structures, made visible in the Church's institutions, which the local Church wisely and generously uses as the sacrament of unity. The Church is a sign and instrument of unity in the world. It is a communion of saints in which, as her members, we are called to live our lives in unity and to pray for one another. With the gift of the Holy Spirit, the Church is called to be a people dwelling in the unity of the Spirit, whose forgiveness she offers to all, so that in her many expressions of love and service, she may be a good neighbour to all, especially to those who are in need. In the communion of the Holy Spirit, the Church is also a sacrament of unity, the sign and guarantee of the one new humanity in Christ.
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